Monday, March 24, 2008

Gabbing with Geefunk

Happy Monday party people! I commented on the post below that I felt this blog was becoming too historical and not enough gossip. So in an effort to not just complain, I will try to contribute to the gossip factor in this blog. After all, it's not named a "gossip blog" for nothing. Us Gonzalez know how to gossip! And since this is a gossip blog, there will be no stone left unturned!

There have been many discussions on the great dilemma of "to post or not to post." The other authors on this blog seem to be afraid to post all the real family gossip! Well guess what folks, if Gonzalez is part of your name, then you won't be safe! I will say one thing - fear not folks. I won't provide any details on secret rendezvous or disclose anything said in "confidence."

In this official 1st installment of "Gabbing with Geefunk" I will throw out some questions and rumors that were over heard during this weekends Easter festivities at the Lugo Residence. This might be a tame post.

- The 1st and most important rumor overheard was the "Tias" discussing a fall our grandmother had in Tepetongo. From what we could hear, she fell off her bed in her sleep! Don't be alarmed folks, seems all is well. But maybe we can all pitch in to get her a bigger bed [and a bigger room while we're at it]? Just a thought.

- Also over heard was constant chatter on the fact that Baby Noah [Christy's son] has been held captive by his "other" grandparents [or Christy's in-laws]! As most of us know, Christy is doing some desert training for 2 months. This means Baby Noah is splitting time between both sets of grandparents. However, the guardianship papers only list Cecy and the in-laws. Because of this the in-laws have decided to not allow Tola and Tarcisio to pick up little Noah to come visit us! The Horror! I know! Tola has been advised to stop asking for permission to pick up her grandson! This is ludicrous! Instead she should just call and let them know when she will be there and to have him ready. What do you think?

- Can anyone explain why Chris has been MIA from family gatherings [particularly those at the Lugo Residence]. And if he does show up it's only because he was persuaded by another cousin. Hmmm...what did the Lugo's do to Chris?
***I suppose if I'm going to call out Chris, then I should also call out the entire Gonzalez-Correa Clan. Too cool for school?
****And...again...if I'm gonna be calling anyone out then it should be the Lugo brother's who hardly ever show up to anything that doesn't start with the words "Christmas" and "Thanksgiving." [Marcelo excluded]

- And speaking of my co-workers....does Cathy have a secret "male friend?" Hmmm....maybe soon we'll see him at a family gathering. What's next on the list? 4th of July? No! Mother's Day! And don't be jealous folks. She's living up the single life! More power to you Cat!

- We're also hearing speculation that the infamous "anonymous" blogger could be Lupito. Why remain anonymous? What's there to hide?

- And the last little rumor making the rounds is that Nancy & Robert might be going skydiving in the near future! Fun! Let me know when guys and I'll be there to cheer you on!

Enough for now. Catch you all on the flip side!


Anonymous said...

Ummm, is it one of "those" pregnant days for you? And don't be hating on my educational blog! That took time and effort.

Anonymous said...

Yay for gossip... I agree history facts r fun but I think some people r 2 scared to post gossip... I've givin out the password to many people and no one has post a rumor or gossip....
Too Afraid? or can only gossip behind peoples backs?

Anonymous said...

and i know there is gossip cause thats all people did at easter...

Anonymous said...

LOL. Seriously. That IS all we did!

geefunk said...

Wtf is a pregnant day? And I gave u props on ur posts so why are u hating? I'm just repeating what everyone was saying yesterday.

Anonymous said...

i had a pregnant day last week! LOL. hmm i so agree with the noah situation! i have only seen him once! WTH is up with that?

Anonymous said...

can please explain to me what a 'pregnant day' is? i just want to make sure i'm not having any...

Anonymous said...

whatever. i missed a word: ANYONE. in between can and please. thank you.

Anonymous said...

To clear up the misunderstanding about Noah's grandparents holding him "hostage". I was the them. I was the one that asked them to keep him hostage. I didn't feel comfortable having my mother pick up Noah for the whole weekend. She can hardly take care of her own soul!! I had a really hard time with this decision, but finally I realized that it was the best thing to do!!! I don't know who can post, but let the word out that YES, it was me. Not them!! I am holding him hostage over there. I told my mom that she could visit or if somebody else went with her, that it was ok to get him. This was all my doing. My mom unfortunately does not know the truth because I know she won't understand and will be completely mad at me! So please don't let her know!!!

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