Thursday, September 18, 2008

Breaking News!!

I have just been informed about some breaking news.
I am sad to say that today Christy has lost her baby.

She is doing okay.

The good news is that they called the stork and they have scheduled an appointment to try again soon. So with a little luck they will have another baby soon.

Here's to the future!!!


Anonymous said...

So I was in the ER waiting to hear what was going on with me... after the doc told me the news, of course, i started crying. He had the nerve to say "You shouldn't be so upset, this happens all the time!" I hate ARMY doctors... Hopefully next time you guys see me, I'll be pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I would say I can imagine what she is going through, but I can't. Praying for your Christy

Anonymous said...

It does happen all the time, however we are all unique individuals, patients should not be compared to other patients. It breaks my heart when I hear that someone lost their baby. You do have a right to be angry. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

geefunk said...

Awe Christy! My heart breaks for you guys. I know how incredibly hard it can be to hear those words no matter what your situation. What an asshole that doctor. I know your pain. But I'm glad to read you have a positive attitude and will be trying again soon. Praying that it happens sooner than later! (((HUGS)))

Silvia said...

Oh Christy, you have such a great hart, its good to see what a good mom you are. Mugre doctor se va a morir de viejo. You know what God is good and I'm sure you would be able to get pregnant soon. I will also be praying for you. I love you!!!

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