Monday, October 6, 2008

Adeedodoo says...

Who needs a family blog when we have Twitter and know when every person in the FAM is doing something, thinking of something (including taking a shit) all in the palm of our hands!?

Geemoney (Gerardo Garcia)
Geefunk (Gaby)
pinkappleslife (Alejandra)
pinkchopsticks (Jessica)
catdogg (Cat)
3dimples (Cecy)
arturog (Arturo)
coolkid23 (Anabel)
ayemgee (Mariela)
and more...

Know when adeedodoo just ate a bug, when Cathy just dropped a "duece", when Gaby is spending all her time doing a bunch of nothing like eating out or hanging out with the other mommies, when Gerardo has a lunch break at 7am, when Arturo is out at a Palin Rally, when, Mariela has a random thought, when Robert has a stupid thought, when Jessica questions the mailman on his poor time managment, and when Alejandra got a C on her history test...AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Myspace what?

-Adeedodoo enjoys Twitter.


geefunk said...

Welcome to my crack. Glad I got everyone on the Twitter wagon!

Anonymous said...

Damn, looks like i'm going to have to get unlimited text.

Anonymous said...

Have to admit, it's funny to hear @geemoney tell @pinkchopsticks to enjoy the rest of the 4 years she has of life. And the pain that @adeedodoo has. Oh and of course, @catdogg cop talk, that we don't understand. @arturog getting his property egged. Pretty cool!

Oh and MRS. GARCIA for the record, I kinda got some of the people on the wagon too!!

Anonymous said...

how do we get on the ban wagon, there are some computer ilet people who do not know what tweetering is.

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