Monday, May 18, 2009

G's still on the HOOK

So with the news of Cristina's pregnancy, Gerardo was extremely happy. First he was happy because our sister didn't have to be deployed to Iraq, second she was going to have another baby and third...if Cristina had a girl, he would finally be off the hook.

My mom seems to think that in G lies her future granddaughter.

Now, his enthusiasm has been diminished with the GREAT news that my sister is having a baby boy! We were all hoping for her new baby to be a girl, but for the mental sanity of this little baby that might one day read this blog...WE ARE EXTREMELY HAPPY we are getting another boy to add to our mix of kids. It's already a riot when all five are together. Now with the sixth grandson coming, it's only going to get better!

So G, sorry, but yes, you are back on the hook. Come on!


geefunk said...

HAHAHAHA!! G you better find yourself a mate soon! :-p

Congrats Christy, Jeremy and Noah!

Unknown said...

First Off YES I AM HAPPY, Congrats to my lil sis... and Second....

ahh who i'm i kidding Yes i'm still hanging from this hook!! lol...

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